How to Repair SIM Not Provisioned MM2 Error on Mobile Device

For a long time, people have been plagued by this error when trying to upgrade their mobile device. Eventually, they will find out that it is due to the SIM card being damaged or not having a valid subscription.

This is a common error that can occur on mobile devices. The “how to fix sim not provisioned” will show you how to solve this problem.

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When you enter your SIM card into your phone, do you receive the error message “SIM not provided” or “SIM not provisioned mm#2”? Read this article to learn why you’re seeing this error message and what you can do about it.

This error indicates that your phone is unable to identify your SIM card. As a consequence, you won’t be able to send or receive voice messages, access mobile Internet, or do anything else that requires a SIM card. Follow these troubleshooting procedures if this describes your present situation.

What causes the MM2 error SIM Not Provisioned?


The “SIM Not Provisioned MM2” error on Android may be caused by a variety of factors. Users who have registered a new SIM card are more likely to be affected. If this issue arises in other instances or the SIM card does not operate in Android, the SIM card is faulty and must be replaced. The “SIM is not supplied” error message may be affecting you in the following conditions.

  1. Your new phone comes with a fresh SIM card.
  2. You’re moving contacts from your old SIM card to your new SIM card.
  3. If the authorisation server of the network operator is down.
  4. New SIM cards are fully functional. However, for security reasons, SIM activation is often necessary.
  5. You might be out of range of your network operator and without a roaming agreement in place.

How can I fix the MM2 SIM that isn’t provisioned?

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Reboot-the-phone-device Restart the computer.

Rebooting the phone is sometimes a helpful option. After installing a new SIM card in your phone, several providers suggest restarting your device. This will force the SIM card to get network settings, which may help to resolve the issue.

  1. To reboot the phone, press and hold the power button while selecting Reboot.
  2. Try contacting again after restarting the phone to check if the issue has been addressed.

Verify that the SIM card is active.

The SIM card has not yet been activated, which is one of the primary causes for the notice that the SIM card has not been delivered. This frequently occurs when you’re installing a new SIM card into a new phone or when you’ve gotten a new SIM card that hasn’t been activated yet. To activate the SIM card and fix the aforementioned problem in your phone, contact your service provider.

The process for activating your SIM card varies depending on the service provider. In most circumstances, you’ll need to contact your carrier from a different phone to request that your SIM card be activated. Some providers ask that you first connect into your account before proceeding with the card activation process.

Make sure the SIM card is properly inserted.

Many individuals, in a hurry, put the SIM card in the phone wrongly. This might be due to a new phone’s enthusiasm or a lack of time. The phone will not be able to read the data from the SIM card if it is inserted wrongly.

The phone will be unable to contact the network operator if it does not recognize the SIM card. The phone will then show a notification indicating that the SIM card has not been installed.

This issue has an easy solution. Remove the SIM card tray from the phone, remove the card, and replace it if required before reinstalling the tray. You should now be connected to your network operator and the error notice should have vanished.

Make contact with your network or service provider.

The issue of no SIM card in MM 2 is almost often caused by the SIM card, not the phone. If none of the above alternatives work, you should seek assistance from your network operator.

In most circumstances, your service provider should be able to identify the source of the problem and assist you in resolving it. You may reach out to your network operator by email, phone, or in person at a branch near you. This is determined by where you reside, the distance between you and the closest branch, and your personal preferences.

RECOMMENDED: To resolve Windows issues and improve system performance, go here.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

Your SIM card is not enabled for usage with the phone if it is not unlocked. This is something that may happen after transferring. To use the phone, you must give your SIM card.

There is an issue prohibiting your Android or iOS smartphone from connecting to your SIM provider’s network if it claims that the SIM card has not been given. Your SIM card has been banned by the provider’s network. The provider’s network gets disrupted, particularly when you activate your SIM card.

Your SIM card is not activated, is banned by your service provider, or is not accepted by your mobile phone, which is the most common cause of the “SIM not provided mm#2” message. You will most likely experience this problem if you have recently acquired a new SIM card and need to activate it.


The “how do i fix sim not provisioned mm#2” is an error that can occur on a mobile device. This article will show you how to repair the issue.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What does it mean when it says SIM not provisioned MM2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: SIM not provisioned MM2 means that the SIM card you are trying to use is not recognized by your phone.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I get rid of SIM not provisioned mm 2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: Youll need to install an application called SIM Application Manager and follow the prompts.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I fix mm Not on my phone?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: If youre experiencing mm not on my phone, it is because the version of Beat Saber that you have does not support a controller. You can check this by opening up your device settings and going to Game Control.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean when it says SIM not provisioned MM2?

A: SIM not provisioned MM2 means that the SIM card you are trying to use is not recognized by your phone.

How do I get rid of SIM not provisioned mm 2?

A: Youll need to install an application called SIM Application Manager and follow the prompts.

How do I fix mm Not on my phone?

A: If youre experiencing mm not on my phone, it is because the version of Beat Saber that you have does not support a controller. You can check this by opening up your device settings and going to Game Control.

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