Exchange upgrade failed: Couldn’t open package UMLanguagePack.en-US.msi

This error indicates that the language pack you are trying to install is not compatible with your version of Windows. You can find out which languages are supported by looking at the list of languages on this page.

Exchange 2016 CU20 is being upgraded to Exchange 2016 CU21. This is because, like all other systems, Exchange Server upgrades are required. Bugs are addressed, and new functionality is added. The installation package could not be opened this time, and the Exchange upgrade was unsuccessful. Let’s have a look at why the Mailbox role of the Unified Messaging service failed and how to fix it.

The installation of Exchange Server did not finish.

To update Exchange Server to the most recent version, we followed the instructions in the article Install Exchange Server Cumulative Update. The Exchange Server 2016 CU21, which is installed on the M: disk, is our example.


As an administrator, open Command Prompt. To begin the Exchange Cumulative Update, use the command.

C:>M:Setup.exe /mode:Upgrade /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms C:>M:Setup.exe /mode:Upgrade /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms Unattended Setup for Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Cumulative Update 21 Copies of Files… The file copy is now complete. Additional information for installation will now be collected by Setup. Tools for Language Management Transport service is the function of the mailbox. Client Access service is the duty of the mailbox. Unified Messaging Service (UMS) role: Mailbox service is the duty of the mailbox. Front End Transport Service is the function of the mailbox. Client Access Front End service is the duty of the mailbox. Configuring Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Server Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check PREREQUISITE ANALYSIS COMPLETED COMPLETED Language Files for Microsoft Exchange Server Configuration RESTORATION SERVICES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED LANGUAGE CONFIGURATION COMPLETE COMPLETED Mailbox role: Transport service COMPLETED Exchange Management Tools COMPLETED Client Access service: Mailbox role COMPLETED Unified Messaging service mailbox role FAILED When the following problem occurred: “install-MsiPackage -PackagePath $RolePackagePath -LogFile; $error.Clear(); install-MsiPackage -PackagePath $RolePackagePath -LogFile “Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange.Microsoft.Exchange. Configuration. Tasks. TaskException: The package ‘I:enUMLanguagePack.en-US.msi’ could not be opened. It was not possible to open this installation package. Check that the package is available and that you can access it, or contact the application’s developer to ensure that this is a legitimate Windows Installer package. 1619 is the error code. —-> System.ComponentModel.Win32 This installation package could not be opened due to an error. Check that the package is available and that you can access it, or contact the application’s developer to confirm that this is a legitimate Windows Installer package. Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.ThrowError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory errorCategory, Object target, String helpUrl) at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.WriteError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory category, Object target) at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment. InstallMsi.InternalBeginProcessing() at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean “.. The installation of Exchange Server did not finish. ExchangeSetup.log, located in the :ExchangeSetupLogs folder, contains further information.

When we got to the stage Mailbox role: Unified Messaging service, we instantly recognized that the Exchange upgrade had failed. The following is the mistake that appears:

The package ‘I:enUMLanguagePack.en-US.msi’ could not be opened. It was not possible to open this installation package. Check that the package is available and that you can access it, or contact the application’s developer to ensure that this is a legitimate Windows Installer package. 1619 is the error code.

What is the cause of Exchange setup failed to install error code 1619, and what is the solution?

Exchange setup solution failed – The package enUMLanguagePack.en-US.msi could not be opened.

The M: disk was mounted by the Exchange Server CU. However, the following error message appears: Couldn’t open package ‘I:enUMLanguagePack.en-US.msi’. When the Exchange Server CU ISO is mounted on the M: disk, why does it display the I: drive? Isn’t it supposed to get the package from the M: drive? It should, according to the response. But it isn’t doing so.

The system mounted the ISO file on the I: disk while installing Exchange Server. We had to build fresh mailbox databases and different disks after the installation. The Exchange Server setup cannot locate the language pack on the I: disk now that it has been assigned to a mailbox database and produces the problem.

The answer is to transfer the language folder from the Exchange Server ISO that couldn’t be located to the I: drive. The installation package may then be opened by the Exchange Server setup. Following that, it will continue with the Exchange Server update.

Note: Pay careful attention to the error and which MSI file is causing it. Copy the whole language folder to the disk, including the contents.


The en folder from the Exchange Server ISO file will be copied and pasted on the I: disk.

Important: Make a copy of the whole folder, not just the MSI file with the problem. That’s because the Exchange Server upgrade setup will look through all of these files, and if any of them are missing, an error message will appear stating that another installation package is missing.


It will resemble I:en.


Although it is not required, we suggest that you restart the Exchange Server. If you do not do so and then repeat the update from Command Prompt, you may get the following message: There will be a reboot from a prior installation. Restart the computer and then run Setup again.

Let’s repeat the Cumulative Update from the Command Prompt once the Exchange Server restarts.

C:>M:Setup.exe /mode:Upgrade /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms C:>M:Setup.exe /mode:Upgrade /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms Cumulative Update 21 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Setup Unattended Copies of Files… The file copy is now complete. Additional information for installation will now be collected by Setup. Tools for Language Management Transport service is the function of the mailbox. Client Access service is the duty of the mailbox. Unified Messaging Service (UMS) role: Mailbox service is the duty of the mailbox. Front End Transport Service is the function of the mailbox. Client Access Front End service is the duty of the mailbox. Configuring Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Server Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check COMPLETED Analysis of Prerequisites COMPLETED Language Files for Microsoft Exchange Server Configuration RESTORATION SERVICES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED COMPLETED LANGUAGE CONFIGURATION COMPLETED LANGUAGE CONFIGURATION COMP Tools for Exchange Management COMPLETED Transport service is the function of the mailbox. COMPLETED Client Access service is the duty of the mailbox. COMPLETED Unified Messaging Service (UMS) role: COMPLETED Mailbox service is the duty of the mailbox. COMPLETED Front End Transport Service is the function of the mailbox. COMPLETED Finalizing Setup COMPLETED Mailbox role: Client Access Front End service COMPLETED The installation of Exchange Server has finished successfully.

The Exchange Cumulative Update has successfully completed. The next step is to restart the system and look for problems and warnings in the event logs.


You now know why the Exchange upgrade failed because the package ‘enUMLanguagePack.en-US.msi’ could not be opened. The answer is to transfer the whole language folder, including the contents, to the disk from which Exchange Server loads the data. Then, using Command Prompt, perform the Exchange Cumulative Update.

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